Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Blog Number 13

Blog number 13
                Today is our LAST DAY! Ahhh I can’t believe that its here!  I will be so sad when we actually have to leave the airport and fly out of Costa Rica for good L  Today is going to be dedicated to….SHOPPING!  This is absolutely my favorite activity ever, and I have A LOT of people to shop for!  First we took the bus to a few shops, and then we went back to the hotel.  Then, Kristen, michelle, and I went to town with Johnny and went shopping there.  We found a lot of stuff for our friends and family and then actually ate at a mcdonald’s!  The funny part was that there were rice and beans on the menu!!  After shopping around for a bit, we met a guy named Irvin who was really nice.  He talked about going out with us later that night and showing us a good time.  We are actually friends on facebook with him now!!  After we were done shopping, we went back to the hotel and took a lot of time to pack up our suitcases.  Mine was definitely over 50 lbs!  Our last night in san jose we only slept for about 4 hours and then we were up and ready to go to the airport at 4 in the morning!  It is very sad to finally be leaving, but I have to admit I’m a little homesick!  Costa Rica was an amazing country to visit, and I fully expect to go back someday very soon!  I had a great time getting to know everyone on this trip and believe that we will all still continue to be great friends in the future!
Hasta la proxima!

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