Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Blog Number 1

Hey Guys!
                I can’t believe it’s finally here!!!  It is May 23rd, 2011 and we have just arrived at our hotel in San Jose, Costa Rica!!  Our two week adventure has finally begun!  I’m very tired from all the travelling, but I’m too excited to explore the surroundings of our hotel to take a nap!  I’m very excited to see how different it will be living in a Latin American country! It’s already raining, and I’m sure were in for A LOT more in the weeks ahead, but no worries! We will still have a great time!  So far we’ve met our tour guide and our bus driver and they seem very nice! Also, the hotel we are staying in is very nice and our room is huge!  Seems like we have a great group of people! I can’t wait to get to know everyone!

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