Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Blog Number 11

Blog Number 11
                Today we woke up at 4:30am, and surprisingly, everyone else was awake already too.  That’s what time our host son has to wake up everyday to make it to school on time.  Today we are supposed to hike up to the top of a mountain with a local guide who will take us on the trail.  We have no idea how long the trail is, but it sounds like its about two miles up and back down.   Boy were we wrong!  That  was the longest hike of my life!   I think I lost about 3 lbs in 2 hours walking up that mountain!  It was the longest, hardest hike I have ever been on, but it was so much fun! I felt so proud of myself for making it all the way to the top!  It was by far the most beautiful view I have ever had the pleasure of seeing in person.  After we hiked back down, we went back to our respective houses, ate lunch, and then got ready for the second part of our day: the boat tour!  I was very excited for this part of the trip because I love boat tours!  It was very nice that our whole community came and shared the experience with us.  We got to see some crocodiles get scared and flip quickly under the water as we passed by.  We also got to see many colorful birds and different types of iguanas.  The  massive amounts of rain were a little depressing, but at the same time the rain was fun to run away from when the time came to get on the bus!  After a full day of activities, we were absolutely exhausted!  We went back to our homes again, took showers, ate dinner, and passed out!  I was pretty sad to leave the next day.  Although Zulay was very quiet and shy, she was very funny and sweet, and I will miss her for sure!  I would love to go back to corral de piedra again some day!

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